October 25, 2018

Community Meeting Regarding 700 Jackson and 7th Street Utility Restoration

Residents are invited to a community meeting on October 29 at 7 p.m. at the Jubilee Center, 601 Jackson Street to discuss the 2-acre resiliency park, 30,000 square feet of retail space, on-site parking garage, and 424 residential units, which includes 42 affordable housing units.

Bijou Properties will discuss construction progress and the updated timeline for completion of the 700 Jackson Street development project. PSE&G will discuss the utility restoration on 7th Street between Monroe Street and Jackson Street.

The 700 Jackson Street development project broke ground in 2017 and includes a 2-acre resiliency park and public gymnasium.

Approximately 1 acre of the park will consist of an open grass area with public seating and a children’s play area. An additional 1 acre public plaza will feature step seating with a tilted lawn panel for relaxing and passive gatherings and a large plaza area designed to accommodate vendors and seasonal markets. Finally, the project will feature multi-use public gymnasium with a classic field house design.

By incorporating green infrastructure and underground detention systems to capture more than 450,000 gallons of stormwater runoff, the resiliency park is designed to help address flooding issues. It is the second of three resiliency parks planned for western Hoboken, in addition to Southwest Park and the Northwest Park, which is in the design stage.