
ADDENDUM TO BID DOCUMENTS Bid 19 – 04 Lease of Two (2 Each) Vehicles with Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) and Parking Enforcement Management System (PEMS) Term: Three Years (36 months)

Bid 19 – 04 Addendum


This Addendum# 1, dated February 26, 2019 is issued to modify the above mentioned Bid and is hereby made part of the Bid documents. Please attach this Addendum #1 to the original documents in your possession, and ensure same is included in your proposal.


A.  Questions and answer:

Q1: The bid requires integration with Hoboken Parking current Meter management system (Metric). Is this system housed in-house or hosted at an external data center?

A1: The current system is housed in-house at the Hoboken Parking Utility, 101 1st Street, Hoboken,NJ.


Q2: Will the new ALPR backend system be housed in-house at the City of Hoboken facilities or in a commercially hosted data center?

A2: It is the City of Hoboken’s preference for the new ALPR back end system to be housed at a commercially hosted data center.

Q3: If any hosting setup and installation changes are required, is it to be included in the pricing of the bid?

A3: Yes.


Q4: If yes, would the City of Hoboken contract the hosting or will the vendor be responsible for the hosting for the 3 years?

A4: The vendor will be responsible for the hosting for the three years.


Q 5: Is it required that the Reporting Dashboard for PEMS be viewable on all devices (e.g. Web Browser,Tablets, Smartphones)?

Answer 5: The Reporting Dashboard must be viewable on desktop devices, tablets, and mobile devices.


B.   The deadline for RFI and questions was on February 25,2019. The City will not accept RFI and questions at this time. Bid Submission deadline remains the same: March 13, 2019 at 2:00 pm prevailing time.


This addendum will be provided to all vendors that requested the bid package, publish in the newspaper and posted onthe City of Hoboken website to ensure compliance.


There are no other changes to the bid documents as part of this addendum.


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